Tuesday, July 01, 2008

What happens when...

you decide to sit on the roof of a Little Tikes Car?

Someone will give you a push and you just might break your arm!

That's what happened to TJ on Sunday over at Grandma's house. He fractured his left arm. We were happy today at the orthopedic's office when he gave TJ a brace as opposed to a cast.  We are very thankful, the break could have been a whole lot worst.  

 However, a very sad boy left the doctor's office being told he can't swim for "4 Whole Weeks"!! What's a kid to do in the summertime without swimming? He was encouraged to play video games to move his fingers a lot.
We love you TJ!!  Glad you're okay!!


melanie said...

THAT SO SAD!!! The swimming is the worst part about it. What will you do everyday now? Good luck!

Amy said...

What a bummer. Glad it wasn't worse.

Mark and Karen said...

Way too sad!!!

Unknown said...

Bummer TJ! I bet he'll never look at one of those cars the same again!

Nicky said...

Poor guy! It just breaks my heart for him. I sure hope it goes by fast with all the family in town and with going out of town, second thought that might make it worse. Tell him he can borrow any game he wants any time! TJ Eden is praying for you!!!! :)

sara said... time Christian was sitting on the top of one fell off and we thought he had a concussion...those toys are dangerous!sorry about the sad

Crystal said...

Oh no!!!! Poor TJ and poor Grandma. Isn't it always the case that the kids get hurt on someone else's watch?