Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break

This year we decided to vacation during spring break. (I'm feeling a little old now, it seems not that long ago I was in school and having spring break and now my kids are. Where has the time gone?!)

Our neighbors told us about this condo they rent every summer in Oceanside (thanks Greg & Julie). It was so great, cheaper than a hotel in San Diego and we were right on the beach. The kids had a great time! The weather was beautiful, but a little cold for the beach - I thought. My kids could have cared less. They put on their swimsuits and went right in that ocean, while we sat on the beach in our sweatshirts. I think I'm getting a little whoosy in my old age! But they had a great time and Ries absolutely loved the sand and being outdoors. We were halfway between the pier and the harbor so there was a lot to see and do.

We did end up spending one day at the Wild Animal Park, which was really cool! Except Ries lost his beloved binky. You know the ugly green one you get at the hospital. It was so worn and torn in spots, he had been loving on it for 10 months now. Needless to say that was not a fun night without it. I did go to the store and buy a few others and with a little effort he now takes those too! :)

But we had a wonderful time and it gave Jimmy lots of opportunities to take plenty of pictures!


Erin said...

Sounds like a funspring break. I agree about the beach, I would not have gone inthe water either!

sara said...

i love oceanside...and any beach around those parts really...glad you all had such a great time and the photos are great too!

Amy said...

We've tried Cali. in April too, and it's too cold for me. But my kids went right into the water. It's like they don't get it!

You're little Ries is so cute! Where's this condo?? We love to try new places over there. I'd love the info-

Unknown said...

That looks so dreamy! And you're not a wimp, your kids are just plain CRAZY!!!

I'm thinking that condo sounds ideal, I will call you for the number!

Marci Hernandez said...

Great pictures! I don't think I would have gotten in the water either. Wild Animal park sound like it was fun, except loosing the binki part.

Crystal said...

Wow! Great pics. I love the one with the moon. Okay, I want the info on that condo!